Wellbeing - the experience of health, happiness, and prosperity. It includes having good mental health, high life satisfaction, a sense of meaning or purpose, and ability to manage stress.

Find your happiness
and learn to put it first.

Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing

Strategy Development

Mental health is a key component of overall health and wellbeing and affects how a person feels, thinks, behaves and relates to others. It is estimated that at any point in time, one in five working age people will be suffering from a mental health condition and 45 per cent of Australians will experience a mental health or substance-use disorder in their lifetime. It is also estimated that Mental Health costs Australian businesses approximately $11 billion per year.

Not surprising then that mental health is an issue that our society and workplaces can no longer afford to ignore. The good news is that a recent study conducted by PWC estimates that every dollar spent on creating a Mentally Health Workplace will create a return on investment of $2.30 and have a positive impact on individuals, employee engagement and workplace culture.

Creating a mentally healthy workplace needs to be as important for organisations as creating a physically healthy workplace.

Our professional workplace mental health and wellbeing consultants can work with your organisation to:

  • Develop a ‘whole of organisation’ approach to create and support a mentally healthy workplace

  • Deliver evidence-informed workplace programs that support employee wellbeing, build organisational and personal resilience, reduce stigma and promote help seeking

  • Provide training and education in mental health, wellbeing and resilience, and suicide prevention.


How can you improve the mental health of your workforce?

Mental illness affects each person differently and can significantly impact on the individual, their family, friends and work colleagues.

Phoenix Wellbeing Consulting and Training Group can provide consultancy services to assist your organisation identify psychological risk factors that may impact on employee mental health and develop a workplace mental health strategy to mitigate the risk.

We can also help your organisation create and support a mentally healthy workplace by delivering mental health and wellbeing training programs and workshops tailored to meet your specific workplace mental health needs. We offer broad range of programs for employees and organisational leaders that are designed to raise awareness of mental health, identify organisational and personal risk factors, recognise early warning signs, deal with crisis situations, encourage help seeking, and develop the tools and resilience needed to thrive and flourish in the workplace.

Employee Support

Mental Health Training for Managers:

Managers set the tone regarding mental health and wellbeing in the workplace. Our Managers’ Mental Health Training Courses can assist line managers and supervisors learn how to create a positive workplace culture that supports good mental health, manage workplace psychological risk factors, recognise emerging mental health issues, have supportive conversations, and provide appropriate support where needed.

Mental Health First Aid Training:

We can deliver a range of MHFA training courses at your workplace, all presented by our fully qualified mental health first aid instructors.

Invest in your relationship with yourself

We all have a tendency to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. Let us show you a kinder, gentler way to treat the most important person in your life - YOU!


Improve your relationship with others

Be your best self, alone and with others, and cultivate deep and lasting friendships and relationships.

Rise up and shine.

Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence — is the key to unlocking our potential.

– Winston Churchill